Steve Loughran wrote:

seeing the install notes for eclipse shows up what they think are troublespots with ant, one of them being

that <property environment="env" /> hangs:

I think we ought to take a look at this code, and rework it some more. It is all built around executing external code to find out env properties, when now, with Java1.5, we can get it from the system environment -execing programs should be our fallback on older systems.

Adding support to check with Java5 is trivial, the harder part will be the hoops you have to jump through for win9x. The suggested fix in the bugrep is to dump the values out to a file and then read the file, not System.out, would it be better to do this only for win9x, or to do it for all OSs?

public static synchronized Vector getProcEnvironment() {
if (procEnvironment != null) {
return procEnvironment;
procEnvironment = new Vector();
//use Java5 funtionality to get environment
if (JavaEnvUtils.getJavaVersion().equals(JavaEnvUtils.JAVA_1_5)) {
return procEnvironment;
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
Execute exe = new Execute(new PumpStreamHandler(out));
// Make sure we do not recurse forever
int retval = exe.execute();
if (retval != 0) {
// Just try to use what we got
>>> would it be better to check for win9x here and execute a completely different set of operations, or
BufferedReader in =
new BufferedReader(new StringReader(toString(out)));

if (Os.isFamily("openvms")) {
procEnvironment = addVMSLogicals(procEnvironment, in);
return procEnvironment;
String var = null;
String line, lineSep = System.getProperty("line.separator");
while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
] rewrite this so that it always looks for a file containing the env variables?

The problem with checking for win9x is having specialized code just for one platform, but to rewrite so that every OS uses a file to dump out the variables would require changing getProcEnvCommand for all OSs and testing on all OSs (a headache to say the least), although having the same behaviour would probably be easier to maintain in the long run.

Also if you dump out the variables to a file, it'd be nice to remove the file when you've finished with it, both of my suggestions would require some tidying afterwards, so they're both equally bad for that! Is there any evidence that the "dump to file" will actually solve this "hang" before trying to implement it? I can't test this as I don't have any win9x systems available. Does anyone else still have ancient versions of windows for testing purposes?

Thoughts &c


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