An alternative, and far more portable work-around is to just use the
overwrite attribute on the second copy task.

Phil :n)

On Tue, 2005-03-08 at 16:11, Xxx Yyy wrote:

> I looked, but didn't find any discussion on the new granularity
> FileUtils.getFileTimestampGranularity.  This is messing up my builds
> big-time.
> If you are on Windows and you run two COPY operations within two
> seconds of each other, the second COPY will be skipped.
> <project default="x">
>   <target name="x">
>     <touch file="aaa"/>
>     <copy file="aaa" tofile="bbb"/>
>     <sleep seconds="1"/>
>     <touch file="aaa"/>
>     <copy file="aaa" tofile="bbb"/>
>   </target>
> </project>
> G:\temp>ant -verbose
> Apache Ant version 1.6.2 compiled on July 16 2004
> Buildfile: build.xml
> Detected Java version: 1.4 in: C:\util\jdk\1.4.2\jre
> Detected OS: Windows 2003
> parsing buildfile G:\temp\build.xml with URI =
> file:///G:/temp/build.xml
> Project base dir set to: G:\temp
>  [property] Loading Environment env.
> Build sequence for target `x' is [x]
> Complete build sequence is [x, ]
> x:
>      [copy] Copying 1 file to G:\temp
>      [copy] Copying G:\temp\aaa to G:\temp\bbb
>     [sleep] sleeping for 1000 milliseconds
>      [copy] G:\temp\aaa omitted as G:\temp\bbb is up to date.
> Total time: 3 seconds
> G:\temp>
> The problem stems from this code in
>     public long getFileTimestampGranularity() {
>         if (Os.isFamily("dos")) {
>         } else {
>             return 0;
>         }
>     }
> This is a very poor test.  I guess there's a limitted granularity of
> timestamps on FAT formatted disks.  But this test is assuming that any
> drive under DOS or Windows is FAT formatted.
> My build files have this pattern:
>    <make a temporary copy of file-A>
>    <work on temporary copy, growing and changing it>
>    <when work is complete, replace master copy with temporary>
> If the work takes more than two seconds (or build is run on other os,
> unix for example), then the ANT COPY works.  If the work completes in
> under two seconds on Windows, ANT COPY fails.
> Temporary work-around is to override the granularity attribute on COPY.
>  But the root cause of the problem (bad test in FileUtils) needs to be
> fixed.
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Phil Weighill-Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Volantis Systems

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