
This is primarily for Steve and Nicola Ken as I'm not sure if/how
closely they follow the Maven lists.

Just wanted to let you know about the changes I dropped in for the
dependencies and related tasks. Hopefully it is inline with the
feedback you'd been providing.

- added the ability to exclude specific transitive dependencies from
being pulled in from a specific dependency
- ability to use a POM to specify dependencies and repositories, in
addition to the ant types
- full support for external configuration (proxies, authentication
info, repository mirrors, local repository location). The search order
is ~/.ant/settings.xml, then ~/.m2/settings.xml
- ability to export properties or references from the pom:
  <artifact:setProperty property="parent.artifact.id"
expression="project.parent.artifactId" pomRefId="maven.project" />
  <artifact:setProperty ref="developers"
expression="project.developers" pomRefId="maven.project" /> (not sure
whether this is a useful thing or not - I just thought references made
sense for object types)

This is only in the SVN version at the moment - if you'd like a
development build published just let me know.

Are there other features you see being needed, or is the focus now on
the error handling, validation and testing? Here I only mean Ant
specific things, as other features added to Maven like the dependency
path reporting, version ranges and conflict resolution will work from
the tasks as is, I think.
The only thing I've got left on my list is to incoporate the Maven
profiles support, but we need to play with that more on our end first.


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