
today we published the 0.2 release of "ant4eclipse", a project that provides Ant tasks to access configuration files from the Eclipse IDE.

Enhancements in this release include the support of eclipse container classpathes and variables. Also included is a new task that executes ant targets for eclipse buildCommands.

It would be nice if you could add a reference to the "External Tools and Tasks" page with the informations below. Thanks!


Name: ant4eclipse
Description: ant4eclipse provides a set of Ant tasks to make several configurations from the Eclipse IDE available in Ant buildscripts. The tasks are aimed to avoid redundancy between Eclipse and Ant configurations in order to build small but powerful build systems for the continuous integration process
Compatibility: Ant 1.6.1 and higher
URL: http://ant4eclipse.sf.net
Contact: <a href="http://sourceforge.net/mail/?group_id=137377";>ant4eclipse user mailing list</a> License: Sun Public License

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