On 29 Sep 2005, at 06:39, Brett Porter wrote:

I'd also agree with that. We fully intended to make Maven2 plugins
work as Ant tasks :)

So with a wrapper,
these goals would become tasks and their parameters would match up
what's on the individual pages.


Just a worry about dependencies. If Ant has to rely on other code from within maven for a set of maven plugins to run, we end up with a horrible interdependency (Maven needs Ant <-> Ant needs some % of Maven) just to compile ant. Could get nasty. But I agree if the work is there and the code can be taken and made common between projects, why not?

(When you first replied Brett, I checked out the source in svn web thingy and I saw a fair bit of codehaus imports - I personally don't have any good experience (as a user) of anything from codehaus so I'm wary of that code, but you obviously have a more in depth view)

- Brett

On 9/29/05, Trygve Laugstøl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Wed, 2005-09-28 at 16:56 +0100, Jose Alberto Fernandez wrote:

From: Steve Loughran [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Jose Alberto Fernandez wrote:

But here we seem to be talking about a new family of generic tasks, If this works well, we could deprecate the old tasks and eventually

in a

couple of versions remove them.

My thoughts were that in the future you'd download a base-ant, and then depending on the SCM you use you'd download the scm-provider- ant.jar


base-ant1.8.jar + svn-ant.jar

Each antlib is going to be tiny compared to the amount you have to download for all SCM functionality that we currently have (I'm still on dial-up here so download speed and size of code is important to me :) )

generic is good, provided
  -we can have a conceptual model that is consistent across all SCM
  -we can deal with extensibility through antlibs. I suppose  you'd


The hard part is defining a consistent interface which is applicable to all SCM systems, without dropping down to lowest common denominator.

"In vain you tell me that Artificial Government is good, but that I fall out with the Abuse. The Thing! The Thing itself is the Abuse!" - Edmund Burke

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