Author: bodewig
Date: Thu Jan 19 12:42:57 2006
New Revision: 370625

fix eol-style

    ant/core/trunk/docs/bugs.html   (contents, props changed)

Modified: ant/core/trunk/docs/bugs.html
--- ant/core/trunk/docs/bugs.html (original)
+++ ant/core/trunk/docs/bugs.html Thu Jan 19 12:42:57 2006
@@ -1,345 +1,345 @@
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-  <div class="main">
-  <div class="content">
-    <h1 class="title">Bug database</h1>
-            <h3 class="section">
-      <a name="Bug Database"></a>
-      Bug Database
-    </h3>
-                        <p>
-           This page gives you some bookmarks to use the Bugzilla <a 
-            Apache Bug Database</a>.
-         </p>
-                                <p>
-           This link <a href="";></a> 
connects you
-           to the complete list of Apache Bug Database systems.
-         </p>
-                                      <h4 class="subsection">
-        <a name="Has It Been Reported?"></a>
-        Has It Been Reported?
-      </h4>
-                        <p>
-            If the current nightly build doesn't resolve your problem, it is
-            possible that someone else has reported the issue. It is time to
-            look at .  This system is easy to use, and it will
-            let you search the <a 
-            currently open</a> and resolved bugs to see if your problem has
-            already been reported. If your problem has been reported, you can
-            see whether any of the developers have commented, suggesting
-            workarounds, or the reason for the bug, etc. Or you may have
-            information to add (see about creating and modifying bug reports
-            below), in which case, go right ahead and add the information.
-            If you don't have any additional information, you may just want
-            to vote for this bug, and perhaps
-            add yourself to the <code>CC</code> list to follow the progress
-            of this bug.
-         </p>
-                                <p><a 
 Ant bugs by order of priority</a>.</p>
-                                <p><a 
 Ant bugs by number of votes</a>.</p>
-                                                          <h4 
-        <a name="Filing a Bug Report"></a>
-        Filing a Bug Report
-      </h4>
-                        <p>
-            Please read our document about <a href="problems.html">problems</a>
-            before deciding that there is an unreported
-            bug in Ant.
-        </p>
-                                <p>
-            You have a few choices at this point. You can send
-            an email to the <code>user</code> mailing list
-            to see if
-            others have encountered your issue and find out how they may
-            have worked around it. If after some discussion, you feel it
-            is time to create
-            a bug report, this is a simple operation in the bug database.
-            Please try to provide as much information as possible in order
-            to assist the developers in resolving the bug. Please try to enter
-            correct values for the various inputs when creating the bug, such
-            as which version of Ant you are running, and on which platform,
-            etc. Once the bug is created, you can also add attachments to
-            the bug report.
-         </p>
-                                <p>
-            What information should you include in your bug report? The
-            easiest bugs to fix are those that are most easily reproducible,
-            so it is really helpful if you can produce a small test case that
-            exhibits the problem. In this case, you would attach the build file
-            and any other files necessary to reproduce the problem, probably
-            packed together in an archive. If you can't produce a test case,
-            you should try to include a snippet from your build file and the
-            relevant sections from the verbose or debug output from Ant. Try
-            to include the header information where Ant states the version,
-            the OS and VM information, etc. As debug output is likely to be
-            very large, it's best to remove any output that is not
-            relevant. Once the bug is entered into the bug database, you
-            will be kept informed by email about progress on the bug. If
-            you receive email asking for further information, please try to
-            respond, as it will aid in the resolution of your bug.
-         </p>
-                                <p>
-            To create the bug report hit this
-            <a 
-            link</a>.
-         </p>
-                                                          <h4 
-        <a name="Asking for an Enhancement"></a>
-        Asking for an Enhancement
-      </h4>
-                        <p>
-            Sometimes, you may find that Ant just doesn't do what you need it
-            to. It isn't a bug, as such, since Ant is working the way it is
-            supposed to work. Perhaps it is some additional functionality for
-            a task that hasn't been thought of yet, or maybe a completely new
-            task. For these situations, you will
-            want to raise an <i>enhancement request</i>. Enhancement requests
-            are managed using the same Apache Bug Database described above.
-            These are just a different type of bug report. If you look in the
-            bug database, you will see that one of the severity settings for
-            a bug is "Enhancement". Just fill the bug report in,
-            set the severity of the bug to "Enhancement", and
-            state in the description how you would like to have Ant enhanced.
-            Again, you should first check whether there are any existing
-            enhancment requests that cover your needs. If so, just add your
-            vote to these.
-         </p>
-                                <p>
-          <a 
-          Create an enhancement report</a>
-        </p>
-                                                          <h4 
-        <a name="Fixing the Bug"></a>
-        Fixing the Bug
-      </h4>
-                        <p>
-            If you aren't satisfied with just filing a bug report, you can
-            try to find the cause of the problem and provide a fix yourself.
-            The best way to do that is by working with the latest code from 
-            Alternatively, you can work with the source code available from the
-            <a href="";>
-            source distributions</a>. If you
-            are going to tackle the problem at this level, you may want to
-            discuss some details first on the <code>dev</code>
-            mailing list. Once you have a fix for the problem, you may submit
-            the fix as a <i>patch</i> to either the
-            <code>dev</code> mailing
-            list, or enter the bug database as described above and attach the
-            patch to the bug report. Using the bug database has the advantage
-            of being able to track the progress of your patch.
-         </p>
-                                <p>
-            If you have a patch to submit and are sending it to the
-            <code>dev</code> mailing list,
-            prefix "[PATCH]"
-            to your message subject. Please include any relevant bug numbers.
-            Patch files should be created with the <code>-u</code>
-            option of the
-            <code>diff</code> or <code>svn diff</code> command. For
-            example:<br /><br />
-            <font face="verdana" size="-1">
-            diff -u &gt; javac.diffs<br /><br />
-            </font>
-            or, if you have source from Subversion:<br /><br />
-            <font face="verdana" size="-1">
-            svn diff &gt; javac.diffs<br /><br />
-            </font>
-           Note: You should give your patch files meaningful names.
-           This makes it easier for developers who need to apply a number
-           of different patch files.
-        </p>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-        <p class="copyright">
-        Copyright &copy; 2000-2005&nbsp;The Apache Software Foundation. All 
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+                                    <a href="./problems.html">Having 
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+              <li class="menuheader">Download
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+                                    <a 
+                                </li>
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+  <div class="main">
+  <div class="content">
+    <h1 class="title">Bug database</h1>
+            <h3 class="section">
+      <a name="Bug Database"></a>
+      Bug Database
+    </h3>
+                        <p>
+           This page gives you some bookmarks to use the Bugzilla <a 
+            Apache Bug Database</a>.
+         </p>
+                                <p>
+           This link <a href="";></a> 
connects you
+           to the complete list of Apache Bug Database systems.
+         </p>
+                                      <h4 class="subsection">
+        <a name="Has It Been Reported?"></a>
+        Has It Been Reported?
+      </h4>
+                        <p>
+            If the current nightly build doesn't resolve your problem, it is
+            possible that someone else has reported the issue. It is time to
+            look at .  This system is easy to use, and it will
+            let you search the <a 
+            currently open</a> and resolved bugs to see if your problem has
+            already been reported. If your problem has been reported, you can
+            see whether any of the developers have commented, suggesting
+            workarounds, or the reason for the bug, etc. Or you may have
+            information to add (see about creating and modifying bug reports
+            below), in which case, go right ahead and add the information.
+            If you don't have any additional information, you may just want
+            to vote for this bug, and perhaps
+            add yourself to the <code>CC</code> list to follow the progress
+            of this bug.
+         </p>
+                                <p><a 
 Ant bugs by order of priority</a>.</p>
+                                <p><a 
 Ant bugs by number of votes</a>.</p>
+                                                          <h4 
+        <a name="Filing a Bug Report"></a>
+        Filing a Bug Report
+      </h4>
+                        <p>
+            Please read our document about <a href="problems.html">problems</a>
+            before deciding that there is an unreported
+            bug in Ant.
+        </p>
+                                <p>
+            You have a few choices at this point. You can send
+            an email to the <code>user</code> mailing list
+            to see if
+            others have encountered your issue and find out how they may
+            have worked around it. If after some discussion, you feel it
+            is time to create
+            a bug report, this is a simple operation in the bug database.
+            Please try to provide as much information as possible in order
+            to assist the developers in resolving the bug. Please try to enter
+            correct values for the various inputs when creating the bug, such
+            as which version of Ant you are running, and on which platform,
+            etc. Once the bug is created, you can also add attachments to
+            the bug report.
+         </p>
+                                <p>
+            What information should you include in your bug report? The
+            easiest bugs to fix are those that are most easily reproducible,
+            so it is really helpful if you can produce a small test case that
+            exhibits the problem. In this case, you would attach the build file
+            and any other files necessary to reproduce the problem, probably
+            packed together in an archive. If you can't produce a test case,
+            you should try to include a snippet from your build file and the
+            relevant sections from the verbose or debug output from Ant. Try
+            to include the header information where Ant states the version,
+            the OS and VM information, etc. As debug output is likely to be
+            very large, it's best to remove any output that is not
+            relevant. Once the bug is entered into the bug database, you
+            will be kept informed by email about progress on the bug. If
+            you receive email asking for further information, please try to
+            respond, as it will aid in the resolution of your bug.
+         </p>
+                                <p>
+            To create the bug report hit this
+            <a 
+            link</a>.
+         </p>
+                                                          <h4 
+        <a name="Asking for an Enhancement"></a>
+        Asking for an Enhancement
+      </h4>
+                        <p>
+            Sometimes, you may find that Ant just doesn't do what you need it
+            to. It isn't a bug, as such, since Ant is working the way it is
+            supposed to work. Perhaps it is some additional functionality for
+            a task that hasn't been thought of yet, or maybe a completely new
+            task. For these situations, you will
+            want to raise an <i>enhancement request</i>. Enhancement requests
+            are managed using the same Apache Bug Database described above.
+            These are just a different type of bug report. If you look in the
+            bug database, you will see that one of the severity settings for
+            a bug is "Enhancement". Just fill the bug report in,
+            set the severity of the bug to "Enhancement", and
+            state in the description how you would like to have Ant enhanced.
+            Again, you should first check whether there are any existing
+            enhancment requests that cover your needs. If so, just add your
+            vote to these.
+         </p>
+                                <p>
+          <a 
+          Create an enhancement report</a>
+        </p>
+                                                          <h4 
+        <a name="Fixing the Bug"></a>
+        Fixing the Bug
+      </h4>
+                        <p>
+            If you aren't satisfied with just filing a bug report, you can
+            try to find the cause of the problem and provide a fix yourself.
+            The best way to do that is by working with the latest code from 
+            Alternatively, you can work with the source code available from the
+            <a href="";>
+            source distributions</a>. If you
+            are going to tackle the problem at this level, you may want to
+            discuss some details first on the <code>dev</code>
+            mailing list. Once you have a fix for the problem, you may submit
+            the fix as a <i>patch</i> to either the
+            <code>dev</code> mailing
+            list, or enter the bug database as described above and attach the
+            patch to the bug report. Using the bug database has the advantage
+            of being able to track the progress of your patch.
+         </p>
+                                <p>
+            If you have a patch to submit and are sending it to the
+            <code>dev</code> mailing list,
+            prefix "[PATCH]"
+            to your message subject. Please include any relevant bug numbers.
+            Patch files should be created with the <code>-u</code>
+            option of the
+            <code>diff</code> or <code>svn diff</code> command. For
+            example:<br /><br />
+            <font face="verdana" size="-1">
+            diff -u &gt; javac.diffs<br /><br />
+            </font>
+            or, if you have source from Subversion:<br /><br />
+            <font face="verdana" size="-1">
+            svn diff &gt; javac.diffs<br /><br />
+            </font>
+           Note: You should give your patch files meaningful names.
+           This makes it easier for developers who need to apply a number
+           of different patch files.
+        </p>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+        <p class="copyright">
+        Copyright &copy; 2000-2006&nbsp;The Apache Software Foundation. All 
rights reserved.
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+      </p>
+    </body>
+  </html>

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