>>>  * @deprecated since 1.4.x Use 
>>> getGlobalFilterSet().addFilter(token,value)
>>>  Is this seen as useful.
>>>  And how do you look at the proposal to drop the deprecated since 
>>> 1.4.x in  1.7?
>This is not about normal users of ant, but of 3pp using the 
>code of ant, for instance to provide ant tasks. If someone 
>made an Ant task on 1.3 it continues to function until we 
>remove these items. So it could very well be that the user is 
>using this task originally designed for ant 1.3, rebuild by 
>someone else against ant 1.6.5 (ignoring the deprication 
>warnings), gets intro trouble.
>otoh if we never can clean up anthing...

Mmhhhhh .... why do I remember Log4J (deprecating Category class 
for a long time for using Logger, then removing - several 100 projects 
failed at Gump) ?....  ;-)

While BWC is a good think we shouldnt rely too long on deprecated


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