
I don't know if this is of interest, but I have made some custom tasks and types for XSLT. (I would think these could be used to get a resource from a jar) - for example:

- SourceType (have implemented a XmlDomType) - create a top-level DOM (dom4j, JDOM, etc...) Document that can be used in multiple XSLT tasks. The reason was to avoid reparsing a common XML file for multiple transforms.

- TemplatesType - create a top level Templates object that can be used in multiple XSLT tasks. This type can also take a UriResolverType for both the factory (resolves xsl:import/includes) and the transformer (resolves document function calls)

- UriResolverType - can be assigned to a TemplatesType. I have implemented a FallbackUriResolver which allows you to set a default directory to look in first and if a file is not found, it falls back to an alternate directory.

Additionally I have made a Lucene indexer and search type. The search type can be assigned to a UriResolver where a can be used in the document function (document('fieldName: matchValue')) and get search results back as XML for use in the transform.

Of interest?


Matt Benson wrote:
--- Antoine Levy-Lambert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello Matt and others,

I want to change the xslt task, so that the
stylesheet can be either a
regular file or a zip entry (or may be even any

This brings me to point : we do not have yet a
syntax to generate
resources from attributes, do we ?

My dream :

<xslt in="somedata.xml" out="someresult.html"


No! It was my dream first and you can't have it! :)  I
agree wholeheartedly.  IIRC myself, Stefan, and
probably others took part in a discussion of this
nature some time ago... though I'm too frustrated by
my slow home internet connection to find the thread
ATM.  Maybe we can get some momentum behind this.  I
think the simplest approach would be to default to
file; but let the colon-delimited prefix represent a
defined type in the project, e.g. file, url... and
look it up.  At the time I believe I was able to
convince Stefan that this belonged in
IntrospectionHelper; sounds like you agree.


which would mean of course take from foo/bar/my.zip
the entry
alpha/beta/style.xml and use it to transform
somedata.xml into

Any ideas ?



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