On 7/14/06, Steve Loughran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Henri Yandell wrote:
> Reading the presetdef manual page, it sounds like it's not what I want
> because it only sets defaults and not mandated values. I don't want to
> allow the build.xml to change the settings.

Well, if you are being really ruthless, you could subclass junit, and
have a distro with a modified properties file defining the junit typedef
and pointing at your subclass. The subclass gets to enforce its own rules...

Yeah, that's what I was originally going to do. I got excited when I
realised that not only could I use -listener to hack it, I could
possibly do it in such a way that I had some kind of AspectAnt that
would let me modify Ant on the fly for other tasks.

Is that going to be impossible for subtags, or do I just need to grok
how UnknownElements work etc?


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