
I applied a patch in this Locator method which is responsible for these 
slightly dissounding behaviors. 

The corresponding commit was : 

The JDK does not behave consistently for these URI to File conversions between 

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Mon, 13 Nov 2006 14:08:00 +0000
Von: "Peter Reilly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
An: "Ant Developers List" <dev@ant.apache.org>
Betreff: Re: FileUtilsTest jdk 1.3 vs 1.5

> On 11/13/06, Dominique Devienne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > One could argue that a path without a drive letter is not absolute but
> > > relative and therefore the drive letter should not be inserted at all.
> The assumption in ant for a long time is that "/x/y/z" is an absolute
> file name, and thus should not be prepended by ${basedir}.
> Is the test that is failing:
>         assertEqualsIgnoreDriveCase(dosRoot + File.separator + "foo",
> FILE_UTILS.fromURI("file:///foo")); ?
> We should investigate why this fails in jdk1.3 and not in (I assume)
> jdk1.4 or higher.
> One thing I can see that is different is
> Locator#fromURI(String),
> this explicitly checks for jdk 1.4 and uses the
> new File(new java.net.URI#fromURI(String)).getAbsolutePath() to do the
> conversion.
> for jdk1.3 or lower it does the conversion by hand, it may be that the
> conversion needs to be modifed to reflect the 1.4 behaviour.
> Peter
> >
> > I agree on principles, although I don't mind either way in practice, as
> > long as we document it accurately. --DD
> >

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