Having a deeper look into the distros ...


Binary distro:

    * The -noproxy option which was in the previous 1.7 alpha and beta
      releases has been removed. It is the default behavior and not

should be removed because it is no "Change from Ant 1.6.5 to Ant 1.7.0".
Also delete the paragraph

    * On Java1.5+, Ant automatically sets the system property
      java.net.useSystemProxies to true, which gives it automatic use of
the local
      IE (Windows) or Gnome2 (Unix/Linux) proxy settings. This may break
any build
      file that somehow relied on content outside the firewall being
      use the -noproxy command-line option to disable this new feature.
      Note that the Java1.5 proxy configuration system still does not
      appear to work reliably on Windows or Linux.

Write a reason why these tasks have been removed: the required libraries
are no
longer available.
    * Support for the XSL:P XML parser has been removed.
      Bugzilla Report 23455.

    * Visual Age for Java optional tasks removed.

    * Testlet (test) optional task removed.

    * Icontract optional task removed.

    * Metamata (maudit, mmetrics, and mparse tasks) removed.

    * Sitraka (jpcoverage, jpcovmerge, jpcovreport) tasks suppressed.

A word to the generated MD5-files: would it make trouble to include the
filename? MD5Checker could benefit.
E.g. there are windows tools which integrate themselves into the Windows
Explorer and you could do the MD5-Check
by right-clicking on the MD5-file. But then the filename(s) for the sums
they are generated for must be included.
    f3c9e94df5f4cc639ad8067700b3d571 *apache-ant-1.7.0-src.zip
instead of

manual::Getting Ant
The "Proxy Configuration" paragraph is wrong - it uses -noproxy instead
of -autoproxy.

I just ask myself if the manual sais something about using fetch.xml
.... "Library Dependencies" does not.

(copied JUnit and AntUnit into lib\optional)

"build dist-lite test -nouserlib -lib lib\optional -Djava.compiler=NONE"
... Bootstrapping Ant Distribution

... Compiling Ant Classes
Note: 5 files use or override a deprecated API.  Recompile with
"-deprecation" for details.

... Building Ant Distribution

Compiling 224 source files to
Note: 3 files use or override a deprecated API.  Recompile with
"-deprecation" for details.

Compiling 266 source files to
Note: 11 files use or override a deprecated API.  Recompile with
"-deprecation" for details.


... Done Bootstrapping Ant Distribution

    [javac] Compiling 672 source files to
    [javac] Note: 8 files use or override a deprecated API.  Recompile
with "-deprecation" for details.
     [echo] java.vm.info=build JDK-1.2.1_004, native threads, symcjit
     [echo] java.vm.name=Classic VM
     [echo] java.vm.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
     [echo] java.vm.version=1.2.1
     [echo] os.arch=x86
     [echo] os.name=Windows NT
     [echo] os.version=5.1
     [echo] file.encoding=Cp1252
     [echo] user.language=de
     [echo] ant.version=Apache Ant version 1.7.0 compiled on December 18
  EchoTest              --> UTF-16/ascii
  FixCrLfTest           --> UTF-16/ascii
  ManifestClassPathTest --> no regexp matcher
  RmicAdvancedTest      --> Rmic failed
  EchoPropertiesTest    --> no regexp matcher
  ReaderInputStreamTest --> UTF-16/ascii
  taskdefs\jar-spi-test.xml          --> no regexp matcher
  types\conditions\matches-test.xml  --> no regexp matcher
  types\resources\selectors\test.xml --> no regexp matcher
    [au:antunit] Target: testhttpurl2  FAILED
    [au:antunit]    at line 257, column 120
    [au:antunit]    Message: length of url 0 length of file 0 file
should be twice as big
    [au:antunit]    took 0,07 sec
    [au:antunit] Target: testhttpurl1  FAILED
    [au:antunit]    at line 239, column 20
    [au:antunit]    Message: Assertion failed
    [au:antunit]    took 0,071 sec
                                     --> should not run in offline mode
  types\resources\tokens-test.xml    --> UTF-16/ascii

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