Hi, I posted this on the user list but noone answered, I have better luck

I am using Ant 1.6.5 and Ant 1.7 on Gentoo Linux amd64, and the same
behavior appears.

When using the scp task, I cannot copy a directory that contains
subdirectories. When copying a directory that has no subdirectories, things
work fine, but any directory with subdirs in it will cause the scp task to

By hang, I mean that the scp task when Ant is loaded from the command line
never finishes.

Should a bug report be filed? Is this normal behavior?

My code:

   <scp todir="[EMAIL PROTECTED] :/home/elvanor/test/" port="23"
keyfile="${user.home}/.ssh/id_rsa" passphrase="" verbose="true">
       <fileset dir="build/WEB-INF/classes" includes="**/*" />

Note that there are no errors related to authentication or whatever. Just
changing the fileset dir attribute to some directory that has no
subdirectories makes the whoile thing work perfectly.


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