On 5/4/07, Stefan Bodewig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Fri, 04 May 2007, Steve Loughran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 1. add a -offline argument to say "we are offline". this will set a
> property, (and.build.offline) and the <offline> test will work.

Do I sense oata.utils.NetworkUtils?  Might contain some Proxy
configuration (and if possible detection) code as well.

> 2. when we encounter an element (or even an attr) in an unknown
> antlib xmlns, and we want to map that to a projectcomponent, we hand
> off resolution to an antlib resolver. We would have one built in
> (the failing resolver), would default to the ivy one if it was
> present, and provide some way to let people switch to a different
> one.


> 3. an antlib resolver would do the mapping from antlib package to
> artifacts (problem one),

actually a pretty big problem.

> then download the metadata for that artifact, pull it down and all
> its artifacts
> 4. we would then <typedef> the lib with the classpath that is set up
> by the resolver

sounds right.

> we'd need a metadata tree mapping antlibs to well known packages,
> but that is not too hard. JSON, perhaps.

Not sure.  Who'd maintain it?

It should be some xml format.
I think that it should be on the ant site
and ant committers would be the updaters of it.
- this would be similar to the
related projects page - http://ant.apache.org/projects.html
but have a separate url for each antlib.
? somthing like: http://ant.apache.org/antlibdefintions/<package>.xml
for example: http://ant.apache.org/antlibdefintions/net.sf.antcontrib.xml

of course this raises the issues of version. One may not want the lastest
version of a particular antlib.


Maintaining it for our own Antlibs is
easy, but we wouldn't want the mechanism to only apply for them.  And
I'd be scared of the security implications of a Wiki driven list or
something even close to that.


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