On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 4:07 PM, Xavier Hanin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > I agree completely and this should be very easy to do... unfortunately I
> > have zero knowledge of maven. I do have lots of knowledge of XSLT though
> > so if someone could walk me through what steps need to be done for a
> > <m2resource> tag then I'll be happy to write it up in the XSLT.
> If it's only to download artifacts, it's very easy. All you need is to
> download the artifacts using a pattern like this:
> [organisation]/[module]/[revision]/[artifact]-[revision](-[classifier]).[ext]
> The classifier needs to be provided in the m2resource tag, except for the
> main artifact, which has no classifier.
> For instance here are the files available for Ivy itself on maven repo:
> http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/ivy/ivy/2.0.0-beta2/
> As you can see there's the default artifact (the jar), an artifact for
> 'sources' classifier, and one for 'javadoc' classifier. Maybe we should
> also
> be able to specify the ext for each artifact, and also the file path to
> use
> once downloaded (relative to artifacts dir). Maybe something like:
> <m2resource groupId="org.apache.ivy" artifactId="ivy"
> version="2.0.0-beta2">
>  <artifact ext="jar" tofile="jars/ivy.jar"
> sha1="43188890f8eb2a105665d62c4bda4b24703568ee" />
>  <artifact qualifier="sources" ext="jar" tofile="sources/ivy.zip"
> sha1="6ab99abd8a02a961a5054b0359b9ae75f2ae2972" />
>  <artifact qualifier="javadoc" ext="jar" tofile="javadocs/javadoc.zip"
> sha1="6b3cf2877a1c79adb181fa218b99f3b20ceabbe5" />
> </m2resource>
> Not sure of the exact syntax, but you get the idea.

OK I think this should be easy to do... see updated patch (attached) which
includes <m2resource>, ivy documentation, and new schema validation.

This does bring up a larger question I want to ask first: are we sure we
really want to create and maintain an ivy module in ivyroundup for every
package in the maven2 repository?

Obviously, ivy is better than maven :-) but what happens if we don't?
Someone could always just configure one builder resolver to point at
ivyroundup and the other ibiblio resovler at the maven2 repo.

But let's assume we do want to do this. For this to be feasible, we need to
ensure the maintenance of all these modules is not a huge burden, and that
they add some kind of value.

A definite requirement would a custom ant task in the ivyroundup project
that automatically populates the ivyroundup repository with all the maven2
projects by downloading every pom and meta-data file from the maven2 repo
and processing them automatically.

I'm willing to write this but I'd need some help/advice on what exactly to
do since I'm still learning about maven.

Once this is done, over time people can go through and improve/refine the
auto-generated ivy.xml files... assuming we have some volunteers who are
interested in specific projects, etc.

Does that make sense?

In any case, I've populated the Ivy RoundUp web site with a few modules,
including one maven2 one (commons-email). Please take a look and let me know
if it looks reasonable to you so far.


Archie L. Cobbs

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