On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 6:15 PM, Nicolas Lalevée <

> To everyone who is using a trunk version of IvyDE, I have introduced a
> build
> system so you will be able to build it yourself (IVYDE-88). The build
> system
> is based on the Eclipse one, so in order to build IvyDE you must have a
> Eclipse installation (I have tested with Eclipse 3.2 and 3.3). And further
> more you need to have an Ivy 2 bundle installed in the Eclipse
> installation.
> Basically to install Ivy 2 into Eclipse, get somehow the Ivy jar that you
> want
> to use (by building it yourself of getting it from the download page). And
> then copy it into the plugins directory. So do something like:
> cp ivy.jar ...../eclipse/plugins/org.apache.ivy_2.0.0.jar
> Note that the layout changed under ivyde/trunk. Now the main plugin
> sources
> are under the directory org.apache.ivyde.eclipse.
> So to build IvyDE:
> - go into your working copy of the trunk: cd ..../ivyde/trunk
> - run: ant build -DbaseLocation=......./tools/eclipse
> The baseLocation property is mandatory: it defines the path of you Eclipse
> install you want to build with.
> Then in the created directory "work" you will find a timestamped directory
> (something like 200804171513) in which you will find the zip archive ready
> to
> be unzip in a Eclipse install.

Good job! I haven't had time to test yet, but it's nice to have a clean
scripted build for IvyDE!

>                                       ** -- **
> Then I have some general questions.
> I have changed the svn repsoitory layout. Everything which was under
> ivyde/trunk is now under ivyde/trunk/org.apache.ivyde.eclipse. So the
> CHANGES.txt is there. Shouldn't it be moved to the upper directory ?
> under /ivyde/trunk ?

It depends what you put in this changes file, and how things are released.
ATM IvyDE is only an eclipse plugin, so I think keeping the CHANGES.txt in
the org.apache.ivyde.eclipse directory makes sense.

> There is also LICENSE.txt. But I think it should stay there, shouldn't it
> ?

I think so too.

> And there is the doc directory which contains the site documentation. I
> think
> it could also be moved. WDYT ?

It makes sense to move it under ivyde/trunk. Maybe it could be renamed to
site instead of doc, since it contains the whole IvyDE site, and not only
documentation (in Ivy core we have separated the site from the doc). Note
that we will have to update the svn:externals property on ivy site directory
to point to the new location.

> This is an introduction mail to the IvyDE build, but we mostly need a
> documentation in the web site. So I would like to add a page and also make
> the IvyDE website have a similar hierarchy to the Ivy one. So we would
> have
> a "Documentation" and "Get involved" categories.
> Currently there is
> * Home
>    o Editor
>    o Classpath Container
>    o Use with maven poms
> * Download
> * Issue Tracking
> So it would become:
> * Home
> * Download
> * Documentation
>    o Editor
>    o Classpath Container
>    o Use with maven poms
> * Get Involved
>    o Issue Tracking
>    o Building
> WDYT ?

+1. We could even add a page called mailing lists, telling that they are
shared with Ivy core and pointing to the right location.

> And finally I have a xooki question. First is there any documentation
> about
> xooki apart from these pages ?
> http://xooki.sourceforge.net/
> http://ant.apache.org/ivy/write-doc.html

Nope, nothing else. But I can answer questions :-)

> <http://ant.apache.org/ivy/write-doc.html>
> And how do I add a main category ? Should I edit directly the json ?

A Main category is like a page, you can add it using the + button. If you
want to have a node with no content (like Ivy/history/2.x) you have to edit
toc.json by hand and add "isAbstract":true, to the node.


> cheers,
> Nicolas
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Xavier Hanin - Independent Java Consultant

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