One of the features that I really liked about the cvstagdiff task +
<style> was that the resulting html doc linked each changed file to a
cvsweb page showing the diff of the file. I just started using the
svn:tagdiff task + <style> and I noticed that the link goes to the file
in viewcs or svn url, but not to a diff. Looking into it further I see
that the versions of the files are not written to the xml file that
svn:tagdiff produces. So, I have a few questions:


Is there something else I should be using to produce a nice html diff
with links to viewvc for file diffs?

Should I work on adding this functionality to svn:tagdiff?

Has anyone started such work? If so, please forward what you have, along
with notes on issues or challenges.




Rob Anderson

Senior System Engineer

Nike Global Trade IT



I wish I was in Tijuana, eating barbecued iguana. -Stan Ridgway


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