I've installed it using the update site on my Eclipse 3.4 without a problem.
I've only used it for some very basic things and I didn't had any problem so 

So, here is my +1


----- Original Message ----
From: Nicolas Lalevée <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Ant Developers List <dev@ant.apache.org>
Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2008 11:23:12 PM
Subject: [VOTE] Release of Apache IvyDE 2.0.0.alpha1 (take 2)

Here the second try to release IvyDE.

You can now found the new build here:
You can test the updatesite in Eclipse with that URL:

In this build, I have fixed two issues.
* the sources were missing a file which makes the build fail
* the binaries of Ivy where not available in the binary package  
org.apache.ivyde.feature-2.0.0.alpha1.zip. As an easy fix, I did not  
tried to include ivy binaries into the ivyde feature zip, I just make  
the build create another zip, the ivy feature zip  
org.apache.ivy.feature-2.0.0.beta2.zip. Actually I think that this  
part of the build should probably be transfered to the Ivy build, so  
that the Ivy feature is released with every Ivy release.

Your vote:
+1 : you agree with the release
+0 : you agree but the next release should contain some fixes
-1 : you don't agree, there is a blocker issue with the release

so +1 for me (non binding)


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