The EasyAnt project is pleased to announce its 0.5-beta-1 version. Easyant is a build system, that is based on Apache Ant and Apache Ivy.
Our goals are : - to leverage popularity and flexibility of Ant. - to integrate Apache Ivy, such that the build system combines a ready-to-use dependency manager. - to simplify standard build types, such as building web applications, JARs etc, by providing ready to use builds. - to provide conventions and guidelines. - to make plugging-in of fresh functionalities easy as writing simple Ant scripts as Easyant plugins. To still remain adaptable, - Though Easyant comes with a lot of conventions, we never lock you in. - Easyant allows you to easily extend existing modules or create and use your own modules. - Easyant makes migration from Ant very simple. Your legacy Ant scripts could still be leveraged with Easyant. This version focus on : - a module for jetty-deployement - a module for documentation (based on Xooki) - a module for repository management (ie. Install new artifacts / copy artifacts from other repo) - a module allowing a user to create / retrieve skeleton of project - a module and a associated build-type for OSGI bundle creation. - a module providing SVN features (not yet implemented) - a module providing Groovy features (not yet implemented) - documentation / javadoc - a new ant tasks that allow a "plugin writer" to document with compatible core version for a given plugin - Few enhancement: - A few pattern properties (with default values) to tune what should be included/excluded during Compilation/Packaging etc... - Each modules have a dynamic classpath based on what is included in the plugin <dependencies> For recall, as the project is still in an early phase, easyant plugins are still unstable and can move on next releases. Issues should be reported to: Retrieve sources from the 0.5-beta-1 release files at: Or download the 0.5-beta-1 release files at: Online documentation is now accessible through : More information can be found on the Easyant website: Regards, Jean Louis Boudart