Hi Greg

your question is one for the user mailing list, the dev list is the
list for the development of Ant itself.

On 2009-03-18, GregP <greg.pascu...@cgi.com> wrote:

> I am using ANT v1.5

That's pretty old, BTW.

> being called from a bash script which passes in the user.id and
> password through a command line call.

> The following two lines exist in my build.xml file:
> 1)  <cvspass cvsRoot=":${cvs.conn.type}:${user....@${cvs.host}:<some
> repository>" password="${password}" passfile=".cvspass" />
> 2)  <cvs cvsRoot=":${cvs.conn.type}:${user....@${cvs.host}:<some
> repository>" failonerror="true" passfile=".cvspass" cvsRsh="ssh"
> command="export -r HEAD" package="<some package>" dest="${source.dir}" />

It's been quite some time since I used CVS for the last time, but IIRC
the .cvspass file is only used to authenticate the user to the CVS
server in pserver sertups, it is not used to authenticate the user to
the SSH server.

The password prompt you see is the one of the SSH server.

I'd recommend setting uo ssh-agent before running Ant to avoid the
password prompt.


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