No ideas? :'(

2009/4/6 Jean-Louis BOUDART <>

> Hi there,
> I have a few questions on ant-core.
> *How to extends the main class?*
> I would like to extends the main class to deal with new command line
> parameters for EasyAnt, and have a custom project help.
> I must create a new class that implements AntMain interface.
> And then ask the lancher to use my implementation using the "-main"
> argument.
> Am i right?
> If i want to keep part of the current services provided by the default ant
> main class i would probably extends Main class.
> But part the most interresting methods that i want to override seems to be
> private (see processArgs for example).
> Is there any reason for?
> Should i write my own inspired from the default one?
> *How to customize ProjectHelper?*
> Getting back to our previous discution about Phases vs target group, it
> seems that there is a special case in easyant where we don't want to have
> "prefixed" phases from an imported build script.
> So maybe the solution is to keep "phase" context only in easyant and find a
> proper way to implement it rather than a patch :).
> As the prefix job is done by ProjectHelper i think i must extends this
> class
> So my question is how could i use a custom ProjectHelper?
> *Additional questions *
> Dealing with ftp / scm / ssh / whatever we all the time need to deal with
> passwords. It will be cool to provide a way to have crypted / obfuscated
> property (using md5/sha1 or whatever).
> How this could be implemented?
> Introducing a new argument on property task to say "crypted" (example:
> <property name="plop" value="myCryptedValue" crypted="true"/>) ?
> Having a specific delimiter ("example : <property name="plop"
> value="{myCryptedValue}"/> everything within the brackets is crypted).
> And the the most important question how to read (uncrypt) this property?
> Extending PropertySetter / PropertyEvaluator /  PropertyExpander ?
> Any ideas?
> Thanks in advance
> Jean Louis Boudart

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