Sorry if the previous thread was hijacked by naming issues, but I'm not sure I'm ready to vote in a poll yet.

To me, only two of the options are seriously being discussed right now:

 1) the current target-group codebase
2) moving the behaviour of target-group into all targets through a marker attribute

On first glance, changing target-group to a target with a marker attribute looks like a NOP, but this is not necessarily true. As you pointed out before, Stefan, targets are used in quite a lot of contexts and in some of those contexts (like import) things might get a bit confusing if we just substitute a the target-group concept in for a target.

My question is whether we need to provide different behaviour under any circumstances between a target and what we now call a target-group (other than the obvious extension of dependencies). If they can be treated as completely equivalent I'd favour what I've labelled as option 2 above. If there are circumstances where, for example, you couldn't add a dependency to a suitably marked target because of namespace issues or import issues or whatever, then I would vote for option 1 above, so as to make it clear to the user that there are considerations that need to be made when using the target-group construct.

Can anyone give a concrete example where there would be a problem treating a target-group as if it were a target?

Stefan Bodewig wrote:
before we get carried away with naming discussions ...

Currently I don't feel there is consensus of what we'd like to see with
target-group (if anything at all).  The options I see are

  * have some sort of composite of targets that other targets can add
    themselves to

  * have some special construct that has a depends list similar to
    target.  targets can depend on such a construct and add themselves
    to the depends list (the current code base).

  * allow targets to add themselves to the depends lists of any other

  * allow targets to add themselves to the depends lists of targets that
    in some way mark themselves as being open for such extensions

  * no target-group like construct at all

  * something completely different?

What is your preference?


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