On 16/05/2010 9:35 PM, Stefan Bodewig wrote:
If you wanted to merge ant.jar with ant-nodeps.jar (which would be fine
with me) we should probably move all tasks included from optional to
core inside the manual as well since the distinction would make even
less sense after that.

+1. Then the only distinction would be the package they live in.

or move the corresponding tasks to an antlib if nonfree JARs are
Even though I like the idea, I'm afraid we won't manage to split out
Antlibs that stood any chance of getting three +1s when it comes to a
release.  We've tried so for VSS and some other of the SCM tasks and
failed.  I doubt we'd be able to manage a JAI or NetREXX Antlib.

I think that JAI and NetREXX are different in that people can freely get access to them. The problem with the SCM tasks is that they require commercial software that we don't have access to. No one is going to feel comfortable voting +1 for a move like that if they can't support it. I'll talk about the tasks for commercial products in a separate email.

BTW, I have access to VSS now, so you can count on me for a +1 if there is another vote to move it to an Antlib.

Also BTW, why aren't NetREXX and JAI available through fetch.xml? JAI appears to be available through maven now[1]. There is an ftp-able file on IBM for NetREXX[2], and I see nothing in the license[3] to suggest that downloading it directly would be a problem. We would just need to modify fetch.xml to get it directly. If there are no objections I'll volunteer to make that change.

[1] http://mvnrepository.com/artifact/javax.media/jai_core/1.1.3, http://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.sun.media/jai_imageio/1.1
[2] ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/software/awdtools/netrexx/NetRexx.zip
[3] http://www-01.ibm.com/software/awdtools/netrexx/license.txt

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