Dear Sir/Madam,

Currently we need to add only one <module> into my application.xml file using 
ANT. To achive that, we have a template for application.xml with token $module$ 
and it will be replaced with actual module name using <replace> task. The 
changed application.xml will be used for the <ear> task to generate the EAR 

Similarly I need to add EJB jars as <module> in my application.xml file. 

<module id="EJB_12345">

I can keep application.xml as a template if I know the number of EJB jar files 
exactly and I can use <replace> task to replace the token with exact jar file . 
But it may vary according to the project.

Say if I have 'n' number of EJB jar files, I need to mention all such jar files 
as modules in my application.xml file. 

How to achieve this?

Please let me know if it is clear or not.

Thanks and Regards,
Ashokkumar B.

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