Thank you Stephan for your time.
Ok, so let's ask here. I wrote a task that monitors a directory for
file changes and when changes
occur it triggers another task. This task helps me a lot in
recompiling the modified code and copy resource files
to the destination in case of a webapp.
I think others may find it useful, especially those who doesn't use an
IDE all the time.
I wrote this task for my usage, and it uses java 1.7 NIO. Before I
contribute something like this, I will need to rewrite it to
use the currently supported java versions.

the task is very simple:
<monitor dir="src/main/java"  targetTask="compile" />

Which works great for me.
I may have to rewrite to use resource and to make it consistent with
the rest of the task.

So my question, do other users think this can be useful for the community ?

On Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 12:57 PM, Stefan Bodewig <> wrote:
> On 2012-03-09, Mansour Al Akeel wrote:
>> How do the community decide what tasks to be added to the distribution
>> and what to be distributed some where else.
> The people who write the tasks and want to see them included with Ant
> ask on the dev list (or attach them to Ant's bugzilla) and if a
> committer feels like committing the task it will be done.  If the task
> may be controversial in scope, this likely won't happen without
> discussion.
>> For example, some tasks from ant-contribution are widely used.
> Most if not all of these have not been written with the intention to
> include them in Ant.  The people behind the ant-contrib project are a
> separate bunch of people from the Ant dev team even if some have been on
> both teams at one point in time.
>> How do I know if a task can be contributed and added to the core ?
> Ask for the concrete task 8-)
> Stefan
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