Isn't it possible to use the "ant:current" uri to solve this issue, as 
described in the link below? 

 From: Nicolas Lalevée <>
To: Ant Developers List <> 
Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2012 7:21 AM
Subject: Self-referencing Antlib limitation
I was still playing with classloaders and namespaces and antlib import with the 
AntDSL, and I encountered an unexpected limitation.

What I found: an antlib which is referencing itself in its definition cannot be 
loaded dynamically via an uri other than its antlib one.
This is the case for antunit:
<antlib xmlns:au="antlib:org.apache.ant.antunit">
  <taskdef name="fail"
  <macrodef name="assertTrue" backtrace="false">
    <attribute name="message" default="Assertion failed"/>
    <element name="assertion" implicit="true"/>
      <au:fail message="@{message}">

And the following doesn't work:
<taskdef classpath="antunit.jar" uri="urn:antunit" 
resource="org/apache/ant/antunit/antlib.xml" />
(actually, this precise line works, but trying to use any antunit macro will 

I think that the issue is how Ant interpret the namespace declaration in the 
antlib definition. In Antunit:
<antlib xmlns:au="antlib:org.apache.ant.antunit">

When Ant is parsing it, it considers it as an antlib to be resolved later, 
whereas it should detect that this is the canonical uri of the antlib it is 
parsing, or sort of "this", and should use the uri actual used rather than the 
antlib one.

The behavior only affect cases where somebody is trying to load two different 
versions of the same antlib. This is some quite edge case, but do we agree this 
is an issue ?

I have committed a test case to see it in action. See r1385269. To run it, 
rename first broken_testURI to testURI in 

I had a quick look to how to fix it. As far I can tell, the best way to do it 
is to:
* in Definer.loadAntlib(ClassLoader, URL), make the createAntlib aware of the 
"resource" it was loaded from, and try to build an antlib uri from that.
* in Antlib.createAntlib(), let the projecthelper parse the file to an unknown 
element with the 'incorrect' uri. But then make a deep lookup in the tree of 
UnknownElements and change everything that needs to be changed.
It seems not trivial.
Let me know what you think.


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