Hello Jesse,

in fact the patch is failing one test :

testTestMethods in junit-test.xml

The test bad in T2.java runs [or at least something is reported as failing ] 
although only "ok" is included.



 <echo file="${input}/T1.java">public class T1 extends
                        junit.framework.TestCase {
                        public void testOK() {}
                        public void testBad() {throw new 
    <echo file="${input}/T2.java">
                    import org.junit.Test;
                    public class T2 {
                        public void ok() {}
                        public void bad() {
                        throw new RuntimeException("failed");}
    <javac srcdir="${input}" destdir="${output}" includes="T1.java,T2.java" 
source="5" includeantruntime="false">
        <path refid="junit" />
    <junit fork="true" printsummary="true" haltonerror="true">
        <pathelement location="${output}" />
        <path refid="junit" />
      <test name="T1" methods="testOK" />
      <test name="T2" methods="ok" />


On Mar 4, 2013, at 4:55 PM, Jesse Glick wrote:

> -0. My main reservation is that an important patch, JUnit @Ignore support 
> [1], is outstanding. (I promised Michael Clarke it would get reviewed.) It 
> could be pushed back to 1.9.1 of course, but that could be a long way off.
> [1] https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=43969
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