> I would prefer having the artifacts on ASF servers. A (Nexus based)
> repository is at https://repository.apache.org/
> Ant + Ivy are available at
> https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/releases/

I would also prefer this but will ASF authorize "non apache project" (read
plugins with incompatible licences for example) to publish there ? I don't
think so.
By the way you really got the idea, "have one connection point" to ease
understanding for the community. That's why we intially setup a online
repository (repo.easyant.org) with two internal repository :
* one for apache plugins
* one for "non apache" plugins (the one having potential issues with
licenses like sonar or checkstyle)

I was suggesting to reproduce this on bintray.

If this could be done @ASF i would definitively go in that direction ! But
is this really possible ?

> > As bintray and github supports "Markdown" syntax, i made some
> > experimentation on plugin documentation generation.
> Are you writing the markdown by hand or do you generate that from java
> source?
Generated through easyant "plugin report" task (
with a custom xsl (

> > Result on github : https://github.com/easyant/sonar-easyant-plugin
> > Result on bintray :
> > https://bintray.com/pkg/show/readmore/easyant/community-plugins/sonar-
> > easyant-plugin
> On BinTray the tables are broken.
> No syntax highlighting on BT?
I also reported this.

> Git support is growing at ASF, e.g. Camel is on the migration path from
> to git.
> A "blocker" to their vote is
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-6197
Nice to know :). I was talking here for "non apache" plugins/

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