Le 28 avr. 2014 à 16:36, Josh Suereth <joshua.suer...@gmail.com> a écrit :

> On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 10:13 AM, Nicolas Lalevée <
> nicolas.lale...@hibnet.org> wrote:
>> Le 28 avr. 2014 à 13:59, Josh Suereth <joshua.suer...@gmail.com> a écrit :
>>> On a whim, I implemented parallel download of artifacts by hooking the
>>> downloadArtifacts
>>> method of Resolve engine.  While this can potentially speed up download
>>> performance, the resolution times (getDepedencies) still dominates (of
>>> course).  Parallel downloads is an often requested feature of sbt, so we
>>> may still release this hook for our users, as they request it, but I
>> think
>>> the *really* just want faster resolution times.
>>> We may be doing some investigation into improving the performance of
>>> getDependencies (and most importantly fetchDependencies).  I was curious
>> if
>>> anyone else in the Ivy community has attempted this before and what sorts
>>> of guidance they could offer before we dig in.
>> This has been discussed, but AFAIR nothing has been done other than
>> discussing the potential issues to tackle.
>> Things which would require some attention would be to find a way to
>> properly report the progress of the parallel download: in the console when
>> it's done via Ant or via the listeners for IvyDE.
>> A thing that is worrying me, is that Ivy is quite sensitive to which
>> thread is actually working on the resolve, see IvyContext's thread local.
>> So a parallelization may not be a very upper level than the artifact
>> downloading.
> Totally understand.  I haven't had time to check if my resolution on
> different threads has mucked up the ivy context, but I know I can propagate
> context as needed, as long as downloading artifacts is idempotent (i.e. no
> changes to artifacts).   The first implementation just defers reporting all
> progress until AFTER the entire download, then notifies, which probably
> breaks IvyDE, except I'm only overriding this in sbt itself, so there is no
> IvyDE there :).
> So, if this was something to contribute back to ivy (which I'm not sure it
> is, given the lack of real speed-up we're seeing), I'd have to figure out
> how to maintain the progress reporting notifications with the IvyContext,
> possibly adapting my worker pool such that we register a thread-safe
> IvyContext locally for the reporting events to get fired out of?
> Does the event model, as it exist, prevent parallelism?

As far as I can tell, no special care has been taken to ensure that even inner 
part of Ivy can be run on multiple threads. So this is to be tested and code 

> In terms of resolution improvements, mostly I was hoping that some
> memoization/cache of immutable graph pieces could help avoid re-resolving
> the same bits of the graph repeatedly.  Again, I haven't dug fully into the
> details of IvyNode, ResolveData + VisitNode, but it seems likely to me that
> we should be able to avoid calling "resolve" for an artifact (the same
> ModuleRevisionId) more than once during full graph resolution, which (and I
> may be wrong) appears to be the case when we profile Ivy.  I'm mostly
> concerned with this aspect, and was wondering if anyone else has seen this
> or if we're doing something very wrong in sbt.

I don't think Ivy is doing a resolution twice. This part of Ivy is quite 
complex, so I may be wrong, but we shouldn't forget that a resolve of a module 
is often contextualized by the "caller", because there are some different 
versioning constraints, or because the root configuration is not the same.
But I think that it can be parallelized. At least in theory.


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