Hi guys,

I am discovering a little bit of the extends of git, and it seems there are a 
lot of ways to handle branches and pull requests. Maybe we should all use the 
same way ?

For instance, to get commits from one branch to the other, I have seen two 
ways: via merge or via cherry-pick.
Since our branches are meant to diverge à some point, I think using cherry-pick 
should be used, right ?

And about merging pull request, there is the direct pull, for instance:
git pull https://github.com/jbaruch/ant-ivy 
<https://github.com/jbaruch/ant-ivy> patch-1

And there is the rebase way, exemple:
git remote add jbaruch https://github.com/jbaruch/ant-ivy
git checkout -b patch-1 jbaruch/patch-1
git rebase master
git checkout master
git merge --ff-only patch-1

I prefer the later one, because it produce a linear history, even if it quite 
painful on the command line. Any preferences ? Am I wrong ? Is there other 
options ?


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