I tried to replace the current ivy:cachepath at line 578 (or so) with

        <ivy:cachepath organisation="com.puppycrawl.tools"
module="checkstyle" revision="7.7"
                inline="true" pathid="checkstyle.classpath" type="jar"
                transitive="true" log="download-only"/>

but that fails with

[ivy:cachepath] :: problems summary ::
[ivy:cachepath] :::: WARNINGS
[ivy:cachepath]         ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
[ivy:cachepath]         ::          UNRESOLVED DEPENDENCIES         ::
[ivy:cachepath]         ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
[ivy:cachepath]         :: junit#junit;4.12: configuration not found in
junit#junit;4.12: 'master'. It was required from
org.powermock#powermock-module-junit4;1.6.6 compile
[ivy:cachepath]         ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Looks like a nice homework, but maybe someone has a solution (as Larry Wall
said, laziness, impatience and hubris :-)? Thanks in advance,


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