From: Gintautas Grigelionis <g.grigelio...@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, May 29, 2017 9:50 AM
To: Ant Developers List
Subject: Re: Replace emma with jacoco?

Talk about timing, again :-) -- Clover has been open source since April.
BTW, the documentation has moved to https://atlassian-docs.bitbucket.io/,
Atlassian documentation<https://atlassian-docs.bitbucket.io/>
The documentation in this repository is for products that are no longer 
supported by Atlassian. This documentation is not maintained by Atlassian, but 
is open source ...

so confluence.atlassian.com links do not work any more.

I can try adding both Jacoco and Clover and make instrumentation selectable
through a property.
I am inclined to start with Jacoco due to personal experience and keep it a
default choice.

The bigger change would be that "ant test" would run both instrumentation
and unit tests, and likewise "ant test-report" would produce both reports.
MG>an excellent idea..my personal request is which code-coverage tool detects 
orphaned class ?
MG>a second request is which code coverage detects orphaned inner-classes?
MG>i look forward to receiving your analysis


2017-05-29 0:58 GMT+02:00 Martin Gainty <mgai...@hotmail.com>:

> Hi Gintautas
> clover code-coverage has been around for 15 years..atlassian just
> contributed clover to Open Source this year
> https://www.atlassian.com/blog/announcements/atlassian-clover-open-source
Atlassian Clover is now open source - Atlassian 
All of this has lead to our decision to open source Clover, what we believe is 
the best way to give Clover the focus and attention it deserves.

> Atlassian Clover is now open source - Atlassian Blog<
> https://www.atlassian.com/blog/announcements/atlassian-clover-open-source>
Atlassian Clover is now open source - Atlassian 
All of this has lead to our decision to open source Clover, what we believe is 
the best way to give Clover the focus and attention it deserves.

> www.atlassian.com<http://www.atlassian.com>

Atlassian | Software Development and Collaboration 
Millions of users globally rely on Atlassian products every day for improving 
software development, project management, collaboration, and code quality.

> All of this has lead to our decision to open source Clover, what we
> believe is the best way to give Clover the focus and attention it deserves.
> Atlassian published an ant taskdef here
> https://confluence.atlassian.com/clover/6-ant-task-reference-71600066.html
6. Ant Task Reference - Atlassian 
Can I create a Clover Report on Server A if I have the clover.db which I 
generated on Server B? Does Clover depend on JUnit? Does Clover integrate with 

> 6. Ant Task Reference - Atlassian Documentation<https://
> confluence.atlassian.com/clover/6-ant-task-reference-71600066.html>
> confluence.atlassian.com
> Can I create a Clover Report on Server A if I have the clover.db which I
> generated on Server B? Does Clover depend on JUnit? Does Clover integrate
> with Maven?
> emma hasnt been touched in 12 years so it seems to be retired?
> http://emma.sourceforge.net/
EMMA: a free Java code coverage tool<http://emma.sourceforge.net/>
EMMA can instrument classes for coverage either offline (before they are 
loaded) or on the fly (using an instrumenting application classloader).

> EMMA: a free Java code coverage tool<http://emma.sourceforge.net/>
EMMA: a free Java code coverage tool<http://emma.sourceforge.net/>
EMMA can instrument classes for coverage either offline (before they are 
loaded) or on the fly (using an instrumenting application classloader).

> emma.sourceforge.net
> EMMA can instrument classes for coverage either offline (before they are
> loaded) or on the fly (using an instrumenting application classloader).
> Emmas feature requests number 103 which nobody has addressed
> https://sourceforge.net/p/emma/feature-requests/
EMMA code coverage / Feature Requests - 
I agree to receive quotes, newsletters and other information from 
sourceforge.net and its partners regarding IT services and products. I 
understand that I can ...

> EMMA code coverage / Feature Requests - sourceforge.net<https://
> sourceforge.net/p/emma/feature-requests/>
> sourceforge.net
> I agree to receive quotes, newsletters and other information from
> sourceforge.net and its partners regarding IT services and products. I
> understand that I can ...
> WDYT of Clover?
> Martin
> ______________________________________________
> ________________________________
> From: Gintautas Grigelionis <g.grigelio...@gmail.com>
> Sent: Sunday, May 28, 2017 9:59 AM
> To: Ant Developers List
> Subject: Replace emma with jacoco?
> As you could understand by now, I set a goal of getting all targets in
> build.xml to do what they are supposed to do. Which brings us to emma,
> which appears no longer being developed. Do we need a vote about a
> replacement?
> Gintas

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