Without looking at the JIRA issue, the 'specification' of what 'A;B' should do 
is explained here: 

without a defaultconfmapping set the following should be equivalent:
A;B = A->A;B->B


      Van: Gintautas Grigelionis <g.grigelio...@gmail.com>
 Aan: Ant Developers List <dev@ant.apache.org> 
 Verzonden: vrijdag 2 februari 9:55 2018
 Onderwerp: IVY-1282
It seems that there still are problems with conf mappings containing
whitespace around semicolon separator. The rules for using semicolon are
supposedly self-evident and are not explained anywhere AFAICS.

My understanding is that semicolon is used in situtations when different
confs have different mappings, like "A->default;B->master" or "A;B->master"
when defaultconfmapping is set. I cannot find a specification, though, what
should happen when defaultconfmapping is not set or when conf is "A;B": an
exception or semicolon interpreted as comma?



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