Hmm... are you sure that Gump has hamcrest-library? By the looks of it, the
classpath contains antlr 3 and bcel 5...


2018-04-22 8:45 GMT+00:00 Stefan Bodewig <>:

> Hi
> when Apache Gump builds Ant it builds it against Hamcrest 2.x which used
> to work fine as long as we didn't use many matchers. It looks as if one
> of the breaking changes introduced with Hamcrest 2.x is the removal of
> the Matchers class. See
> ant_dist-ant.html
> I know we stopped monitoring Gump builds a long time ago and changing
> the code to adapt to breaking changes in other libraries feels strange,
> but would anybod mind if I changed the imports to ones that should work
> with both Hamcrest 1.x and 2.x? I.e. replace
> import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsString;
> with
> import static org.hamcrest.core.StringContains.containsString;
> ?
> Stefan
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