I've found out that ant (🐜) is a Unicode character from 6.0 (2010) and a part of Emoji 1.0 as well. I wonder if we could have some good use of ant in red violet (or, actually, #a81c7d) emoji?
And, while we're at that, how about using Nick King's vectorised Ant logo [1] (which some good folks converted to SVG and put on Wikimedia [2] -- although we'd need a new version with TM and <APACHE ANT> in white to use on the web site). I'd happily open a PR placing the original EPS and different variants of SVG in the manual. Gintas P.S.: Shouldn't we lobby for an ivy character in Unicode? ;-D [1] http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/ant-dev/200202.mbox/%3c3c7e0526.e1bb9...@remoteapps.com%3E [2] https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Apache-Ant-logo.svg