Unless I hear otherwise within 24 hours, I'll express ASF support for the creation of this new working group.


On 23/08/14 17:05, Andy Seaborne wrote:
W3C is creating a new working group to work on the validation of RDF
data. "Shapes" is code language for this.

Since an initial draft of a charter, there has a been a lot of
discussion of charter on the public W3C list:


and this has resulted in a proposed charter:



An RDF vocabulary, such as Resource Shapes 2.0, for expressing these
shapes in RDF triples, so they can be stored, queried, analyzed, and
manipulated with normal RDF tools, with some extensibility mechanism for
complex use cases.

Semantics, possibly defined as SPARQL operations, specifying how shapes
are evaluated against RDF graphs.

OPTIONAL - Compact, human-readable, non-RDF syntax for expressing
constraints on RDF graph patterns (aka shapes), suitable for the use
cases determined by the group.

If any committer wants to comment, the Apache Software Foundation can
respond to the formal request for comments.  We would need to produce a
single, consolidated, agreed response.

If any committer wants to participate, and does not work for an W3C
member [*], Apache can nominate you to the working group.  (Note: you'll
need to invest a significant amount of time to be effective and probably
travel.  Apache does not provide any funding.)

     W3C rep for ASF

[*] If you work for a W3C member, you should go via that route or the
legal issues may get very messy.

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