Dear Community,

The Apache Apex community is pleased to announce release 3.8.0 of the Apex 
Malhar library.

Apache Apex is an enterprise grade big data-in-motion platform that unifies 
stream and batch processing. Apex was built for scalability and low-latency 
processing, high availability and operability. The Apex engine is supplemented 
by Malhar, the library of pre-built operators, including connectors that 
integrate with many existing technologies as sources and destinations, like 
message buses, databases, files or social media feeds.
Along with bug fixes, this release brings in improved support for Flume 
operator, bloom filter support for bucketing, better failure handling in kafka 
input operator and multi Hbase table output operator among others.

New features include support for Kudu, support for sort accumulation in 
Windowed Operator besides enhancing some example applications.


The source release can be found at:

or visit: 

We welcome your help and feedback. For more information on the project and how 
to get involved, visit our website at:

The Apache Apex community

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