Java 9 will shut people out as 8 is not yet eol. The majority of the 
installations I have seen are running 8 and people are moving from 7 to 8. 
Other projects in our space are also moving to 8. 

> On Jan 19, 2018, at 8:31 AM, Vlad Rozov <> wrote:
> +1. It will be good to start supporting Java 9.
> Thank you,
> Vlad
> On 1/18/18 11:01, Hitesh Kapoor wrote:
>> +1.
>> --Hitesh
>> On Fri, Jan 19, 2018 at 12:28 AM, Ananth G <> wrote:
>>> Hello All,
>>> I was wondering if we can consider making java 8 as the minimum supported
>>> idk version going forward.
>>> Since Apex core is moving to the next release cycle, perhaps we consider
>>> this ? My assumption is that the next release version for core after the
>>> 3.7.0 release is going to be a major version bump ?
>>> My understanding is that core needs to move to idk 8 before we can move
>>> library/malhar to idk 8.
>>> Here are some points to consider (There might be more points to the list
>>> below) :
>>> - Java 7 has been deprecated from a support model more than 2 years back
>>> - Peer streaming frameworks like Flink are mandating Java 8
>>> - Apache Beam is moving to Java 8 from its next release cycle
>>> - Many hadoop vendors provide java 8 as the base for the platform.
>>> - Will help the community to use java8 streams and lambdas in operators and
>>> core
>>> - There are certain maven dependencies which might be more optimal if java8
>>> dependency is inherited as opposed to java 7version of the dependencies
>>> - Junit5 might help in richer unit tests.
>>> Regards,
>>> Ananth

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