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A wild guess. Like you would do it when editing by hand. You would
modify the ident of the paragraph.

Yes, i want to modify the ident of the paragraph, but i want to do this in automatic, when i insert the document...

Cristian Fonti wrote:
| Hi Michael, now i try to explain better my problem (sorry for my
| I want to insert some text (one or two page), after a title bar, from an
| extern document (with insertDocumentFromURL) and i want to allign with a
| Tabstop like so:
| TITLE BAR1.........................................
| some text from external document1
| ................................................
| .................................................
| TITLE BAR2.........................................
| some text from external document2
| ................................................
| .................................................
| how can i do it??? if i insert a TAB character, the system only move the
| first row of external text...
| I hope that i was more clear...
| Thanks
|>Hi Cristian,
|>>>>Just use a TAB (ASCII 9) in your string. Too simple?
|>>There is a problem, because i must insert a big text(40-50 rows), not
|>>only a string, and i want to allign the text to the tabstop... so with
|>>the TAB (ASCII 9) i can't do nothing
|>Then I don't understand the problem at all. Or your problem is not the
|>TAB key but the line break? That only works with
|>XSimpleText::insertControlCharacter(), thus you have to split your
|>text into lines (only if you want hard linebreaks) or paragraphs.
|>>>>>XTextCursor xt =
|>>>>Here you query an XTextCursorfrom a TabStop struct? That should throw
|>>>an> exception or at least return null, don't know the UNO spec for the
|>>>case> where queryInterface is used on a non interface.
|>>>Undefined behaviour (i.e.: never do that in your code). The current
|>>>implementation will most probably return null.
|>>>>>XText xTextheader = (XText) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XText.class,
|>>>>> xTextheader.insertString(xt," CENTER TEXT IN THE
|>>>>> HEADER",false);
|>>>>And this should at latest throw a null pointer exception. It does
|>>>> Michael
|>>Ok, i understand what is the problem for the TextCursor, so how can i do
|>>to use the tabStop that i have created?? I supposed that is similiar to
|>>paragraph, so i create a XParagraphCursor and i use gotoNextParagraph,
|>>but nothing...
|>I catn't tell, because I do not even understand what your code is supposed
|>to do. Sorry. Maybe you have to find other words to describe your
|> Michael

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Dott. Cristian Fonti
Centro Elaborazione Dati (CED) - Resp. Web Area
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