I think there is some xml file that contains event-information - at
least in 1.1.x there should be one (don't know about 2.0) -, thus you
should be able to include an xml file into your package that can
specify that a certain code is launched everytime OOo is started.
Paolo already mentioned the undocumented, because yet not official,
"com.sun.star.script.ApplicationScriptLibraryContainer" service - but
a simple BASIC statement: BasicLibraries.loadLibrary("<name>") should
be sufficient.

Hope that helps.

On Fri, 18 Mar 2005 08:43:47 +0100, Mathias Bauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> John Sisson wrote:
> > Hello,
> > Documentation for oo development implies that soffice macros invoked
> > from a (connected) client by the client-side method:
> >    myXDispatch.dispatch(myMacroUrl, myPropertyValueArray)
> > can receive method parameters, but it does not state how this is done.
> > Given a method 'MyLib.MyModule.Foo' it seems there are 2 options:
> > Option.1
> >   Sub Foo
> >     Dim oParam as Object
> >     oParam = [some oo method for getting XDispatch PropertyValues]
> >
> >     ... operations
> >   End Sub
> >
> > Option.2
> >   Sub Foo(oParam as Object)
> >     ... operations
> >   End Sub
> Option 2 is correct. Parameters are passed as strings.
> I can't answer your second question (forcing a lib to be loaded when
> macro called via XDispatch) safely, so I better wait for somebody else.
> Best regards,
> Mathias
> --
> Mathias Bauer - OpenOffice.org Application Framework Project Lead
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Best Regards
Christian Junker

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