Am So, den 24.04.2005 schrieb Mathias Bauer um 11:48:
> Marc Santhoff wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I' trying with the code below, but the result is always negative, the
> > contents of the written file is still in zipped form. Without using a
> > stream as storage but a file as normally done it works, the whole bunch
> > is written out as text (content.xml, ...).
> > 
> > If I use a "FilterName" it results in a with the
> > message ".".
> > 
> > What's happening here? Is it technically impossible to write unpacked to
> > a file stream or am I missing something?
> Yes, the "unpacked" way creates a *folder* containing all the streams
> you usually get in a zip package.
> If you want to have unpacked XML in a stream you should use the "flat"
> XML filter that puts alltogether in one file.

As you can see from the commented out code I've tried that already with
the same result (IOException).

Thank you anyways, now I know it *should* work with a flat filter.
I'll walk through my code oncemore with a clean brain and try again...


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