
Ennio-Sr wrote:

If, once the menu.sxc has been opened (on Start Application), I open the
macro doalog and choose the module/macros attached to the menu.sxc I'm
not allowed to run any of them (Security check will prevent me from
doing that, although I included the relative path in the appropriate
list). After closing the file and re-opening it from the dialog box all
macros are available and running smoothly.

What is going on behind the scene? (Apparently, as shown in the upper
left box, path and file names are perfectly the same in both cases!).

When the document is loaded a macro execution mode is set on the document. When you open the document via the GUI, the macro mode is selected according to the configuration settings. When you open a document via API, the default is to prohibit execution of macros.

There is a parameter you can add to the loadComponent call to select a different macro execution mode. Look into the Developer's guide for details.

HTH, Joerg

Joerg Barfurth              Sun Microsystems - Desktop - Hamburg
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OpenOffice.org Configuration          http://util.openoffice.org

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