Ian Laurenson wrote:
Any pointers on where I should look for automating "permanently" setting
application events - either by .xcu file or macro?

sorry i can't answer this question yet without furthing investigating

Reply in-line but not directly related to this subject.

On Thu, 2005-09-08 at 08:29 +0200, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:

Ian Laurenson wrote:

I have two macros that it would be useful to assign to the application
events: Open Document and Create Document.

While it is possible to do this via "Customize > Events" a lot of end
users have difficulty in setting this up so I would like to be able to
automate this process for them.

Is it possible to modify:

by the .xcu file in a uno package? If so some pointers would be useful.

And is it possible by a BASIC macro? Again some pointers would be

If I can get this sorted out I would like to writeup the instructions in
the wiki: http://ext.openoffice.org.nz and possibly update Bernard
Marcelly's excellent Addons1_1en.sxw.

Where can i find this document, i am interested to read it.


The wiki contains probably a lot of useful information, but it also surprise me "Another name for extension is “macro”. ...", it would have been nice when people would have talked with us before they wrote such things.

My apologies Jürgen if I misunderstood your message:
Did you mean that the best term is "components"?

no, "extensions" in the context with OO are much more than only macros. It is to simple to compare them with macros. Components are more or less the implementation of UNO objects (services, interfaces) but sometimes they are not enough to provide the new functionality. For example add-ons need some configuration files as well. All things together component + configuration is an extnsion which provides really new functionality. Bt extensions can be also a collection of macros or a Basic library, ... Spoken in deployment units we talk about UNO package bundles which can contain differnet kind of files and content. I will provide some more info after my vacation and we will try to help actively on the wiki.

- Juergen

I really like the idea of an wiki (i would like more dynamic resources on collab.net directly ;-( ) but the content should be correct.

As a wiki you, or anyone else is free to edit and thus correct the
content - currently you don't even have to register. In fact I want
people to edit it - particularly knowledgeable people such as yourself!

I too would have liked for the wiki to have been (to be) on collab.net.
If there is a way, and the wiki is seen as useful then I would be very
happy for it to move. My compromise to having the wiki on collab.net was
to have it as a sub domain of the openoffice.org.nz site (after
discussion with a marketing lead).

- Juergen

My apologies if this is already documented somewhere but I confess that
I haven't been able to find it.

Thanks, Ian
OpenOffice.org Conference (OOoCon 2005)
September 28th - 30th 2005, Koper-Capodistria, Slovenia

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