Am Dienstag, den 20.09.2005, 14:07 +0200 schrieb Galmes Pierre-Andre:

> As a feedback from my experience, the documentation about OOo programming is 
> quite difficult to find. 

Seems to be the case because ...

> For example, as a rookie in OOo Cpp programming, I would have enjoyed a page 
> about all the cpp stuff I would have need to learn and a kind of "schedule" 
> telling me : "Ok, to start programming, firslty read this, then that, and 
> finally this and then you should be ready". And then, a faq which would keep 
> track of the common problems.
> Actually, at the moment, the documentation for cpp programming is spread in 
> many different places, for example :
> ...

... you did not find the best location:

> I think it would be much more easy if only one repository was holding all the 
> interresting info ! I was hoping to find such a place, but it does not seems 
> it exists at the moment. Would it be a good idea to try to gather all the 
> developpers doc ?

Isn't that what you're looking for? If so, it has to be made more


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