Alexej Kryukov wrote:


in my projects I often have to iterate through text portions in
OOo Writer text documents. So, when trying to adapt my older programs
to OOo 2.0 I noticed the following strange problem. Let's take
for example the following macro (which basically does nothing,
just iterates through text portions in order to access their "String"

Sub IteratePortions ()
 oDoc = ThisComponent
 oText = oDoc.Text
 oEnum = oText.createEnumeration ()

 Do While oEnum.hasMoreElements
   oPara = oEnum.nextElement
   oParaEnum = oPara.createEnumeration ()
   Do While oParaEnum.hasMoreElements ()
     oPortion = oParaEnum.nextElement

     Select Case oPortion.TextPortionType
       Case "Text"
         oPortionCursor = oText.createTextCursorByRange (oPortion, 0)
         sPortionString = oPortionCursor.getString ()
       Case Else
     End Select
End Sub

If you run this macro on a document which is long enough, you may notice that each time getString() is called, a progress indicator
is shown for few time, with a label which says (if I managed
to make it out) "Exporting document".

There is no such effect, if I call the "getString()" method for the
portion itself (i. e. execute oPortion.getString ()), instead of
creating an intermediate text cursor. However, intermediate text
cursors are often needed to workaround other OOo bugs, even if
creating them doesn't look necessary :(

This "exporting" looks quite irritating, not only because it
significantly slows execution of my functions, but also because
it doesn't allow me to create my own status bar indicator (which
may be quite important for long operations). So, can anybody
explain, which sort of exporting is performed here, and how can
I avoid it?
If anyone cares, I have verified this behavior. I modified the macro a bit so that it works on documents containing things such as TextTabels without crashing...

Sub IteratePortions()
 Dim oText
 Dim oEnum
 Dim oPara
 Dim oParaEnum
 Dim oPortion
 Dim oPortionCursor
 Dim sPortionString$

 oText = ThisComponent.getText()
 oEnum = oText.createEnumeration ()

 Do While oEnum.hasMoreElements
   oPara = oEnum.nextElement
   If oPara.supportsService("") Then
oParaEnum = oPara.createEnumeration ()
     Do While oParaEnum.hasMoreElements ()
       oPortion = oParaEnum.nextElement

       Select Case oPortion.TextPortionType
         Case "Text"
           'oPortionCursor = oText.createTextCursorByRange (oPortion, 0)
           oPortionCursor = oText.createTextCursorByRange (oPortion)
           sPortionString = oPortionCursor.getString ()
         Case Else
       End Select
   End If
End Sub

Andrew Pitonyak
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