
How do I perform an integer division (e.g. 11 / 3 = 4) in OpenOffice Basic?

Huh? IME the integer division operator (in languages where it exists) would produce 11 div 3 = 3, to match the modulus produced by the 'mod' operator (which does exist in StarBasic).

That said, you can get the behavior you want (rounding) by assigning the result of a plain division to an integer variable

  q% = 11/3 ' Now the value of q% is 4

You can get a more typical integer division by using the available functions to convert to an integer by rounding down or truncating

 roundeddown% = int(11/3) ' value is 3
 truncated% = fix(11/3)   ' value is 3

These differ when negative numbers are involved. AFAICT truncation is the one that matches the builtin MOD operator, ie.

  b*fix(a/b) + a mod b = a

HTH, Joerg

Joerg Barfurth              Sun Microsystems - Desktop - Hamburg
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