Tom Schindl wrote:
Sorry Vincenzo,

but how are you creating the snippet, I suppose not with Paolos
snippet-creator ;-) All those <p> shouldn't be there, there's no
operation-system and oo-version information.

Would you mind downloading and installing Paolo's snippet-creator from
his homepage and repost the snippet?

Hi Tom,
I took your advice and I used the snippet-creator. This is its result.
Let me know if there are problems.
Best Regards, Vincenzo.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
$RCSfile: $
last change: $Revision: $ $Author: $ $Date: $

(c)2003 by the copyright holders listed with the author-tags.
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All Rights Reserved.

<snippet language="Java" application="Office">

	<keyword>new window</keyword>

<author id="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Vincenzo Giuliano</author>

<question heading="Open new view on OpenOffice document">How can I open a new view for a document already loaded?

<p>I have to use the OpenNewView property.</p>
<p>Mathias Bauer wrote: I think that OOo currently does not treat &quot;OpenNewView&quot; correctly, means: it looks like a bug. I think that this method can be useful until we get the bug fixed.</p>
<listing>	/**return the new view XController if the document exists
	* return null if the document does not exist */
	private static XController createView(String url)throws java.lang.Exception{
		/**Bootstrap- Service Manager*/ remoteContext =;
        	System.out.println(&quot;Connected to a running office ...&quot;); serviceManager = remoteContext.getServiceManager();
        	String available = (serviceManager != null ? &quot;available&quot; : &quot;not available&quot;);
        	System.out.println( &quot;remote ServiceManager is &quot; + available );
        	/**I create the instance of desktop service*/
        	XInterface desktop 	= (XInterface)serviceManager.createInstanceWithContext(&quot;;,remoteContext);
        	/**I Search the Components*/
        	XDesktop xd = (XDesktop)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDesktop.class,desktop);
        	XEnumerationAccess xea = xd.getComponents();
        	XEnumeration xe = xea.createEnumeration();
        	/**I search the model affiliated to url*/
        	XModel currentModel = null;
        	boolean found = false;
        	while(xe.hasMoreElements() &amp;&amp; found==false){
        		currentModel = (XModel)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XModel.class,xe.nextElement());
        			found = currentModel.getURL().trim().toLowerCase().equals(url.trim().toLowerCase());
        	/**If the model exists I create the new view*/
        		XDispatchHelper xdh = (XDispatchHelper)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDispatchHelper.class,
        		XDispatchProvider xdp = (XDispatchProvider)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDispatchProvider.class,
        		DispatchResultEvent dre = 		(DispatchResultEvent)AnyConverter.toObject(DispatchResultEvent.class,
				xdh.executeDispatch(xdp,&quot;.uno:NewWindow&quot;,&quot;&quot;,FrameSearchFlag.AUTO,new PropertyValue[0]));
        		return currentModel.getCurrentController();
        		return null;


<operating-system name="All"/>

<change author-id="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" date="2006-02-21">Initial version</change>


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