Hi Mathias,

>>after I created successfully a new menu and menu item I now want to add
>>functionality to the menu item. The functionality should be implemented
>>in Java. Can you tell me where to start to learn doing this, or tell me
>>some package- / interfacenames that are involved in doing this?

> Menu commands are command strings that are handed over to the so called
> Dispatch Framework. You can place "internal" commands there and then
> some OOo code will be called or (if an "interceptor" is placed into OOo)
> also some "external" code. You can also place "external" commands there
> that can trigger code you provide in your component.
> To make OOo call such "external" code you have to use commands with your
> own naming scheme and implement and install a so called "protocol
> handler" that handles commands using the scheme. All this is described
> in the Developers Guide in the chapters about Dispatching and Add-Ons.

OK, I will step in there. It is good to know that it is possible...

Up to now I just finished Chapter 3 (although I think I did not
understand all, as you may see in my threads). I will continue.

Thanks for the hint.

Greetings, Tobias

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