Jürgen Schmidt wrote:
Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
Bonsoir Bernard,
Bernard Marcelly wrote:
Example in Basic:

sub doSomething(evt as object)
dim myDialog as object
  myDialog = evt.Source.getContext()
end sub

Unfortunately, outside of OOo Basic for dialogs this is not possible, as the invoked script does not get the event object supplied (it does not get any arguments for that matter).
Actually, this is not true. After closing the scripting framework editor in which the macro that should get invoked is loaded, I now get one argument, the event object. Unfortunately, still I cannot issue a getContext() successfully (I get the source object from the event object, though, assuming that it is the commandButton/Button object). So it is still not possible to get at the xDialog.

I did like this without problem on OOo 2.0.1 / Win XP.
I created a dialog in My Macros, with a button starting a Python routine also in My Macros. The dialog was started from another Python routine, and when I pushed the button, the Python event handler modified a Textfield of the dialog.
Well if you are using an event handler, then it would be a different use case.

In the case where I have a problem the script to invoke via the OOo scripting framework is defined in the dialog editor. The commandButton's key-pressed and mouse-release events get the URL pointing to the macro which gets invoked/executed (and I can correctly refer to the appropriate key or mouse event object). So the question still would be up, how one would proceed to get at the xDialog object (tried to invoke the method "getContext()" on the source, but that did not work out, unfortunately).

when you have the event, i would assume that you can query the source for ...awt.XControl where you can call getContext. The returned object should be your dialog - query for XDialog.
Well, I get the key resp. mouse event and am able to successfully invoke the method "source" and receive an XInterface object. But then I am stuck as that object seems to not have the getContext() method available to it (as if it was not a com.sun.star.awt.XControl; also tried to carry out a queryInterface to see whether I would get a XControl).

If it matters: these events are triggered by a commandButton which is placed on to a dialog which in addition has a label. The dialog is executed via OOo Basic and invokes the aforementioned script via the OOo scripting framework, if a KeyPressed or MouseButtonReleased event occurs with the button control.

Not being able to reflect the object I get via "event~source()" in the scripting framework invocation environment using Java (cf. <http://qa.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=61146>), I am relly stuck at the moment and would appreciate any other ideas !



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