
Border distances (TopBorderDistance) are not working as a property from the frame but every border (As New is a different object with a property "linedistance". Anochter solution is to implement the norderdistances in your paragraph style (but here topborder (start of the paragraph) will always be 0)

find a more compleet peace of code for placing a frame on a page with working border distances an keaping track of its finale height


Sub FinishGraphicsDialog3

'dim oDoc2 as object
Dim aLBorder As New
Dim aRBorder As New
Dim aTBorder As New
Dim aBBorder As New

'oDoc2 = ThisComponent

Dim oFrame As Object , oFrameCursor As Object
Dim iStringhoogte as long
Dim IFramehoogte_alsboven as integer , iFramehoogte_alsonder as integer, FrameCpos as integer, FrameH as integer
    sRasterPagina = oDialog.Model.opPagina.text
lAnchor =

oFrame = oDoc.createInstance("")
if oDialog.Model.viaCursor.State = 0  then 'and sRasterPagina <> 1 then
  iPagenr = sRasterPagina
'  iPagenr =  oFrame.GetPropertyValue("AnchorPageNo")
   if oDialog.Model.viaCursor.State = 1 then
 iHCpos = oViewCursor.getPosition().X
iVCpos = oViewCursor.getPosition().Y - (29700 * (iPagenr-1)) ' Vieuwcursor rekend steeds van begin van document
 end if

oFrame.width = iFotW
oFrame.SetPropertyValue("AnchorPageNo", iPagenr)
   oFrame.AnchorType = lAnchor
   oFrame.BackColor = rgb(254,254,100)
   oFrame. BackColorTransparency = 0
   oFrame.PositionProtected = True
   oFrame.SizeProtected = false
   oFrame.ContentProtected = false
oFrame.HoriOrient = NONE
oFrame.VertOrient = NONE
oFrame.VertOrientRelation = PAGE_PRINT_AREA oFrame.HoriOrientRelation = PAGE_PRINT_AREA

aLBorder.OuterLineWidth  = 1
alBorder. LineDistance = 300
aRBorder.OuterLineWidth  = 1
aRBorder. LineDistance = 300
aTBorder.OuterLineWidth  = 1
aTBorder. LineDistance = 300
aTBorder.Color  = rgb(0,0,0)
aBBorder.OuterLineWidth  = 1
aBBorder. LineDistance = 300
aBBorder.Color  = rgb(0,0,0)
oFrame.LeftBorder = aLBorder
oFrame.RightBorder = aRBorder
oFrame.TopBorder = aTBorder
oFrame.BottomBorder = aBBorder
oframe.TopMargin = 172 'wrap aanzetten, anders wordt het automatisch 2mm
oFrame.BottomMargin = 172
oFrame.LeftMargin = 0
oFrame.RightMargin = 0

oText.insertTextContent(oCursor(), oFrame, false)
sOnderschrift = oTextModel.GetPropertyValue("Text")

oFrameCursor = oFrame.createTextCursor()
oFrameCursor.paraStyleName = "5Kl_txt"

FrameCpos = oViewCursor.getPosition().Y
oFrameCursor.String = sOnderschrift

oFrame.SetPropertyValue("HyperLinkName" , "Top")
if oDialog.Model.TekstL.State = 1 then
oFrameCursor.paraStyleName = "5Kl_txt"
' elseif oDialog.Model.TekstR.State = 1 then
' oFrameCursor.paraStyleName = "6_ondR"
elseif oDialog.Model.TekstC.State = 1 then
 oFrameCursor.paraStyleName = "5Kc_txt"

FrameH = oViewCursor.getPosition().Y - FrameCpos + 345 + 200

   if FrameH <= 3450 + AflpB + AflpO then
      FrameH = 3450 + AflpB + AflpO
elseif FrameH > 3450 + AflpB + AflpO and FrameH <= 6900 + AflpB + AflpO then
       FrameH = 6900  + AflpB + AflpO
elseif FrameH > 6900 + AflpB + AflpO and FrameH <= 10350 + AflpB + AflpO then
       FrameH = 10350 + AflpB + AflpO
elseif FrameH > 10350 + AflpB + AflpO and FrameH <= 13800 + AflpB + AflpO then
       FrameH = 13800 + AflpB + AflpO
elseif FrameH > 13800 + AflpB + AflpO and FrameH <= 17250 + AflpB + AflpO then
       FrameH = 17250  + AflpB + AflpO
elseif FrameH > 17250 + AflpB + AflpO and FrameH <= 20700 + AflpB + AflpO then
      FrameH = 20700  + AflpB + AflpO
elseif FrameH > 17250 + AflpB + AflpO and FrameH <= 24150 + AflpB + AflpO then
     FrameH = 24150  + AflpB + AflpO
elseif FrameH > 24150 + AflpB + AflpO and FrameH <= 27600 + AflpB + AflpO then
     FrameH = 27600  + AflpB + AflpO

iFramehoogte_alsboven = (FrameH * (-1))
oFrame.VertOrientPosition = iVCpos + iif(oDialog.Model.viaCursor.State = 1 , 1080 , 1100)
oFrame.Height = FrameH
oFrame.HoriOrientPosition = iHCpos + 900  'left Pagemargin
oFrame.SizeType = 1

oFrame.Name = "P" + iPagenr + "_Kad_" + iHCpos +"_" + iVCpos + "_" + (tot + 1) ' moet telkens uniek zijn



End Sub

Kent Gibson schreef:
Thanks in the end I wrote up something similiar to
your algorithmn.
What I did is I created a shape, then I do
insertTextContent, and then I do getSize and finally
removeTextContent. Then I at least have the size of
the object so I can calculate if there is room enough.

Then instead of a shape I use a TextFrame because I
need the text flow functionality it gives - ie I can
put them in tables.

Unfortunately leftborderdistance and the other
borderdistance properties don't seem to work. Tomorrow
I will enter a bug report for these problems. Thanks again for your interest.

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