Hi, all!

I am trying to port a uno package to 2.0 that runs fine in 1.5. However, the
behavior of text iteration primitives has changed a bit since (by the way, I am
using version 2.0.2, US English, with SDK 2.0). I've noticed some enhancements
but also what seems to be bugs. Please have a go at the text document I send in
attachment. It contains three test cases. Case 1 and 2 present definitely
strange behavior, much different from what used to be true in OOo 1.5. Case 3
is a slight adaptation of Case 1 that runs fine, just for constrast.

Some comments:

Case 1: the last sentence of the selection appears twice in the enumeration. I
have another very similar test case in which some three different fragments of
the last sentence are enumerated before the table.

Case 2: Foo1 is enumerated while it really shouldn't.

Case 3: just adds one blank line that makes all the difference.

Thanks in advance. Cheers,


Attachment: iterationbug.odt
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text

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